woensdag 21 december 2011


When I just started my process within Desteni, which is not so long ago, I saw everybody give the word "cool" in the reply. And I wanted to try to find 'another' word; why is everyone writing cool?
To find another word, a word 'of myself'.
How can a word be of myself as I own it?
It's so funny. Me wanting to own words, resisting against using the one same word as everyone is using.
Probably because I call it 'using', which is not as self but as the mind, and the mind wants to have an individual word. Self is not using but self is speaking, one and equal as self.
In dutch I often use the word 'tof', which means something as 'fine'.
But that's still not cool - kalm, koel, fris.

Ofcourse I couldnot find another word to write without giving an answer in polarity. So very soon I saw myself writing the same word: Cool!

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